British design and innovation will take centre stage at a major ceramic industry event in Stoke-on-Trent.
Ceramics 2013 is the latest in a series of annual industry showcases.
And the event is set to be better than ever this year with a move to an exciting new venue and the introduction of live demonstrations.
Ceramics 2013 will take place at CoRE (the Centre of Refurbishment Excellence), an impressive new exhibition space developed in an old pot bank with four listed bottle kilns at the heart of the Potteries.
“CoRE is an impressive and fascinating venue which I am sure will be of great interest to exhibitors and visitors,” said Max Dudson, chair of the Ceramics 2013 committee.
“The venue has been built as a showcase for the future and is in keeping with our aims – to show the world a go-ahead, innovative industry which is confidently moving forward while paying due reverence to its glorious past.”
Annual one day Ceramic events have been held in each of the last five years in Stoke-on-Trent.
Organised by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the British Ceramic Confederation, North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce, Dudson, Endeka Ceramics, Ceram, Emma Bridgewater, Wade, Valentine Clays and Stoke-on-Trent City Council, the event is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and industry sponsorship.
Ceramics 2013 will take place on September 26, an earlier date than in previous years, as organisers plan to forge links with the British Ceramics Biennial which will be held in Stoke-on-Trent from 28 September to 10 November.
Mr Dudson added: “Both events exist to promote our great industry and it makes sense to work together.
“The annual Ceramics events have always brought together a wide range of exhibitors including ceramics manufacturers, industrial ceramics, tile makers, the brick industry and our supply chain.
“It is an opportunity to showcase our industry and to learn through keynote speeches and workshops.
“Our theme this year is British design with a made in the UK focus and we felt it would be fitting to introduce interactive elements for the first time and to invite designer makers to create new pieces during the day.”
To enquire about exhibition space, please contact Ann Steele on 01782 202222 or email [email protected]
For media enquiries contact Nigel Howle by telephone on 07762043436 or email, [email protected]
Notes to Editors:
From designer makers to large manufacturers, the British ceramics industry is renowned the world over. Ceramics 2013 is a major industry event bringing together ceramics companies and their suppliers to both celebrate and market the industry and showcase its future as a design-led, iconic British success story.
UK Ceramic Industry Key Facts
* The ceramics industry has sales, including supply chain, of £2 billion with more than 20,000 people are employed in the industry and its suppliers
* Total export sales value more than £500 million.
* The sector includes bricks, wall and floor tiles, clay roof tiles, tableware, sanitaryware, technical ceramics, refractories and materials suppliers