Karen is leading research through Keele University’s via its Keele Research and Innovation Support Programme (KRISP). Karen’s KRISP project will result in an easy reference guide for employers regarding GDPR.
“There’s considerable confusion about what impact GDPR will have on data collection and storage and many employers will have received a large amount of Spam emails on the topic, often designed to scare them but with no or minimal practice advice on how to comply” said Karen, of Excello Law, Stoke-on-Trent.
“GDPR legislation comes into force in May 2018 and whilst much of the attention has been centred on the impact on marketing undertaken by businesses, any business which is an employer also needs to ensure that it complies with the requirements of GDPR in respect of its employee data.”
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union. The UK Government will implement GDPR regardless of the current negotiations to leave the EU.
The KRISP teams works with local small and medium sized businesses to give them the opportunity to work with Keele Academics and Keele students/graduates, employed as RD&I Associates to support a business to research new projects and new markets.
Karen, of Excello Law, successfully applied to KRISP to assist with detailed research into what employers need to do to comply with GDPR regulations.
Easy to understand documentation is now being prepared for employers by the students under the guidance of Karen and the KRISP team.
This will provide:
• An easy reference guide for employers on GDPR requirements which will include:
o advice on the impact of the requirements of GDPR on employment documentation including; the contract of employment and sickness absence documents;
o advice on the requirements of GDPR compliance at key stages during an employee’s service: including recruitment; induction; annual appraisal; exit
• Sample documents including Employee Fair Processing Information Sheet
The pack is expected to be available by early March 2018 when Karen will also be organising seminars for employers. Any business who wishes to receive further information can email Karen at [email protected].
Steve Hargreaves, Business Engagement Manager at Keele University said: “It has been a pleasure to work with Karen to set up this new initiative and our specialist RD&I Associates are thoroughly enjoying researching this important topic. I look forward to see the information packs once complete, I am sure they will be a great practical resource to SME’s.”
For media enquiries please contact Nigel Howle by telephone on 0776 2043436 or by email at [email protected]
*The Keele Research and Innovation Support Programme (Ref: 32R16P00711) is part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the England 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme.
Notes to Editors
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