A specialist car remapping business has gone from 0 to 60 in just three years. 

Black Code was launched by Staffordshire businessman Oliver Billson, has shown rapid growth and now has 60 outlets across the UK. 

The business, based at Baswich, Stafford, has quickly become recognised as the premier name in the vehicle re-mapping and tuning industry. 

Black Code offers a high quality solution for motorists looking to save money and get a more eco-friendly car –  without losing out on engine performance. 

Black Code technicians can save motorists 15 per cent on fuel costs while increasing engine power and torque by 35 per cent. 

Oliver Billson has developed Black Code through his franchise consultancy business Craoli, who manage franchise development projects and handle recruitment for clients across the UK. 

He said: “Black Code appeals to two markets; the car enthusiasts who want to get the maximum driving experience from their vehicle and anyone who is looking to reduce fuel consumption and save money. 

“The last year has seen a huge increase in people taking out Black Code franchisees and associates. We had 18 in summer, 2010, and now have 60.

 “Motorists have seen fuel prices leap from around a £1 a litre to over £1.30 in around 18 months. This has clearly made our economy tuning very attractive for both fleet and individual drivers. 

“All our operatives are fully trained and we provide motorists with a guaranteed solution as we offer a 100 per cent refund, and will return the vehicle back to standard mode, for anyone who is not satisfied with the results.” 

Black Code franchises can now be found in every English region along with Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

New franchises were launched in Devon and Cornwall and North London in June, 2011. 

 Vehicle re-mapping works because car manufacturers’ standard settings do not maximise a vehicles fuel efficiency or power. This is done deliberately because global car producers sell in several different markets and limit their vehicles’ performance to allow for poor fuel quality and extreme climatic conditions. 

Black Code’s technicians remap cars to allow for the higher standards of fuel and more user friendly conditions available to motorists in the UK. 


For further information contact Oliver Billson on 0845 643 6898.

Notes to Editors:

Black Code uses state of the art purpose built equipment.  Black Code maps are custom written in-house and can be designed to meet individual requirements whether customers want more power better fuel efficiency or a perfect blend of both.

Black Code works with individual car owners and companies which are looking to improve performance and save money through greater efficiency on their vehicle fleet.

Black Code: Unit 5, Tilcon Avenue, Baswich Lane Industrial Estate, Stafford, ST18 0YL.
