West Midlands industrial workers could be in line for compensation after their hearing was damaged while at work.

Leading industrial injury lawyers Attwood Solicitors have organised a free hearing day at the Black Country Museum on Wednesday, 6 October.

The event follows a series of similar event is the Midlands and North West where around 500 people have sought help about industrially induced hearing difficulties.

Experts say many older and retired workers are now suffering hearing loss after being subjected to high levels of noise while working in heavy industries during the 1960s to 1980s and even some from the 1990s and beyond.

Audiologists will be available to carry-out free hearing tests and give advice to workers at the museum in Tipton Road, Dudley, between 10am and 5pm.

Ashley Attwood, Principal Solicitor at Attwood Solicitors, said: “The areas around Wolverhampton, Dudley and Walsall have a proud tradition of heavy industrial production.

“But heavy industry brings a legacy of injury, including hearing problems. Many workers who experienced hearing loss while working in extremely noisy environments have simply put up with it

“Attwood Solicitors were able to help more than 100 people after holding similar clinics in Stoke-on-Trent in recent months. Compensation levels will vary with clients receiving up to £10,000.”

Evidence from claimants show that many workers were exposed to repeated noise from heavy machinery without being offered any ear protection by their employers.

Mr Attwood added: “Often people suffer in silence and don’t believe they have a right to compensation for the pain and inconvenience caused to them.

Hearing experts say any sounds above 80 decibels – the equivalent of an alarm clock going off – is considered dangerous and many older people are now suffering from damage caused before current health and safety standards were introduced.

“Employees may wrongly believe it is too late to claim compensation,” said Mr Attwood. “People perhaps don’t realise that even if the damage was caused many years ago they may still be entitled to get help and compensation.”

“Our reputation as a leader in the personal injury field is based directly on the relationships we build with our customers.

“We are not simply seeking compensation we are working to give clients the help they deserve and need to put their lives back on track.”


For further information contact Ashley Attwood on 0800 587 3231or log on to www.attwoodsolicitors.co.uk.

Notes to Editors:

Attwood Solicitors are personal injury specialists based in Stoke-on-Trent.

More than £2.25 million has been successfully claimed by Attwood Solicitors to help people who have suffered in an accident.

Attwood Solicitors
5-7 Hartshill Road
Stoke on Trent