Free one-to-one business mentoring and advice will be on offer as young entrepreneur Philip Carr brings his successful Business Summit formula to Stoke-on-Trent.
Business coaches will be on hand at the event on 22 July to answer questions from delegates.
“The Business Summit is fully financed by exhibitors,” explained Philip. “The idea is to bring together business experts, fledgling businesses and established companies to encourage entrepreneurship and growth in the North Staffordshire economy.”
Philip, of Norton Heights, Stoke-on-Trent, held the first Business Summit in Stafford in early 2011.
“The event was a success and, as a result, I have already signed up several exhibitors for the Stoke-on-Trent event at the Moat House Hotel, Festival Park,” added Philip who runs event management company, Gateway Events.
“Customers will be able to attend seminars, experience referral marketing with the Business for Breakfast organisation and learn about the growing phenomenon of Jelly where sole traders get together to work and make new contacts.
“There is even a free lunch on offer.”
David Brown, Director of Browns Distribution, Stoke-on-Trent, attended the Stafford event. He said: ““Philip put on great networking event with a difference. I learnt a lot from the great guest speakers and took away information that I could actually use.
Philip also offers a special guarantee to exhibitors. Space is available for £300 (plus VAT) but if organisations do not think they have had value for money they can pay what they think the space was worth.
To register for the event log onto
For further information contact Philip Carr on 0845 5197 365