The founder of Staffordshire based charity A Child of Mine is helping to shape national Government policy.
Gayle Routledge has been asked to join discussions led by the Department of Health into how Child Death Review panels are conducted.

Having founded a Child of Mine following the death of her two-year-old son Lewis died of cancer in 2010, Gayle has worked to offer support for parents across the UK.
“To be offered the chance to act as a voice for bereaved families on this Government review is an honour and a privilege,” said Gayle.
“The Child Death Review process is being scrutinised as it moves from the Department of Education to the Department of Health.
“I am sitting on a panel with child care experts and can offer a different view from the perspective of families who have been through a Child Death Review as parents who have lost a child.”
Gayle regularly meets bereaved families both in one to one sessions and within groups run by A Child of Mine to support bereaved parents and siblings.
She added: “Being invited on to the review is a real boost as it shows how much credibility A Child of Mine has been able to establish.”
From small beginnings, the charity has grown to forge partnerships with major children’s hospitals across Britain and this has allowed Gayle to grow A Child of Mine’s work to support families and to promote understanding and good practice.
To seek the support of A Child of Mine please go online to Details of how to support or donate to the charity are also available via the website. The charity is based at the Hub, Eastgate Street, Stafford.