A charity is urging people to get into the Christmas spirit to raise funds for North Staffordshire families in need.
The Alice Charity has organised a Christmas Jumper Day on Friday, December 12. The charity is appealing to people to wear a festive jumper to work and make a donation to the Alice Charity.
Local businesses on the Silverdale Enterprise Park where the Alice Charity is based are already supporting the appeal.
Rydale Roofing based close to the Alice Charity on the enterprise park, are supporting Christmas Jumper Day.
Company Director Julie Mirowski said: “The Alice Charity was set up to provide a support network for parents who need extra help. We are delighted to be able to support Alice and to bring a little bit of early Christmas cheer to our office.”
Steph Talbot, Chief Executive of the Alice Charity, said: “As the Alice Charity has grown we have experienced more demand for our services. Our Christmas jumper appeal is one of several events we hold throughout the year to support North Staffordshire families.
“We are appealing for businesses to encourage their staff to wear a Christmas jumper, or other festive themed clothing, on December 12.
“All we are asking is for a donation of £1 or more to help our fundraising efforts.”
Companies are being asked to hold a collection or to ask staff to donate by Texting YULE14 to 718170.
For media enquiries contact Nigel Howle by phone on 0776 2043436 or email [email protected]
Notes to Editors:
The Alice Charity was founded in 2011 to provide social, emotional and financial support for families in need of a helping hand.
Projects include:
Pass it On: Alice Charity collect good quality second hand goods and distribute them to vulnerable families in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Buckets of Possibilities: The Alice Charity supports parents who through problems such as poverty, mental health issues, or drug abuse, cannot provide an appropriate home environment for their children. The Alice Charity team make home visits to assess what needs to be done to create a safe and healthy environment. Repair and refurbishment plans are then completed with the help of professionals. After work on the home is complete, the charity continues to provide ongoing support to ensure they are able to maintain a healthy standard of living.
Little Kindnesses: Designed to provide simple acts of kindness from topping up a gas meter during a cold spell to ensuring that a child can go with his or her friends on a school trip.
The Alice Charity’s vision is to help 5,000 families by 2017.
For further information please go online to www.alicecharity.com