A solicitor who is calling for Government intervention regarding faulty breast implants has been inundated with calls from concerned women.
Medical negligence experts, Attwood Solicitors, have received over 100 enquiries in just three days about the risk of PIP implants.
Up to 50,000 British women are thought to have breast implants supplied by French firm PIP (Poly Implant Protheses) which has admitted to using low grade industrial silicon in their products.
Principal Solicitor Ashley Attwood said: “We have been swamped with calls from women who are rightly concerned that they may well have been given implants with low grade silicon gel which has not been cleared for use on humans.
“We are taking specialist Counsel’s opinion on the rights of persons with Pip implants to have the implants removed privately, have them replaced free of charge and right to be compensated for an consequential losses, that may include convalescence losses, psychological damages and pain suffering and loss of amenity, commonly known in law as PSLA.”
Mr Attwood previously called for an end to the UK Government’s inaction on the issue.
He said: “It is time that the Government ended the confusion surrounding the use of PIP implants and give the 40,000 women affected clear guidelines as to what their rights are.
“They should put procedures in place to support the women and give them the right to request that the clinic where they had surgery removes the implants.”
The UK Government says there is no evidence to support the routine removal of the implants at the centre of the scare.
But France have banned the PIP implants – which contain silicon used for fuel additives and in mattresses – and said that the French State would pay for them to be removed.
Attwood Solicitors are known throughout the UK for their work in areas including industrial and medical negligence.
Concerns about the PIP implants centre on the affect on women’s bodies if a rupture occurred.
The silicon gel used by the company was not approved for use on people.
Mr Attwood said: “We are monitoring the situation closely and are currently investigating whether people have a right to sue for compensation.”
For advice on the PIP implants issue please contact Attwood Solicitors on 0800 326 5203 (email [email protected]).
Photograph: Ashley Attwood (centre) with Doctor Grant Charlesworth Jones, GP advisor to Attwood Solicitors and Solicitor, John Farrow.