Life and business insurance policies are still available despite the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Staffordshire Moorlands based expert Tom Gronkiewicz.
Tom, of GRN Financial Services, has been busy during the current crisis as the pandemic has brought the need to support their families into sharp focus for many business owners.
“People are understandably worried right now and they want to protect the assets they have worked hard for,” said Tom of Leek. “The good news is that the industry is working hard to adapt and help is available for people who want to take out policies.
“Understandably there may be some extra questions to respond to around whether you have been affected or are shielding from the coronavirus but the markets remain open. In general consumers that have tested positive or are suffering from symptoms of coronavirus are unlikely to be able to obtain cover until they recover. We can speak to our insurance providers and advise clients on the best course of action.”
GRN Financial Services is run by husband and wife Tom and Aga Gronkiewicz from offices in Bath Street, Leek. The qualified financial advisers launched the business in their hometown of Leek in February 2018 offering mortgages, insurance, protection services, will writing and advice.
The couple were early adopters of video meetings and other technology and this has helped them to remain busy during the current crisis. Aga explained: “We have always had customers across the UK and, therefore, use applications such as Zoom and Skype to keep in touch. Now everyone is adopting video meetings, so we feel as though we have a slight head start.
“The pandemic hasn’t resulted in business tailing off and that’s because human nature means that people think about their family during times of crisis. Therefore, we have been reassuring clients that they are protected and supporting them if they have gaps in that protection.
“This can involve business insurance, income protection, life insurance and making sure a Will is up-to-date. For example, if you are a director of a business, ensuring that your Will reflects your current circumstances will give peace of mind that your business assets are distributed according to your wishes after death.”
GRN Financial Services are also experienced mortgage providers and Aga added: “Covid-19 may have led to a slow-down in house completions but there’s still a major market for remortgages right now. Property values have so far remained at pre-lockdown levels in most cases and that can mean that householders still have scope to look again at their mortgage to see whether they can save money. In the current circumstances, it is wise to look closely at how much you are spending and reduce payments where possible.”
For further information on GRN Financial Services, please go online to
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